• Omar Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky (Plum)

    ( reviews)

    The specialty of this whisky is that the brewer use a 3 to 4 years old whiskies to keep it into plum barrel up to 1 year for maturation. The distinctive advantages of Nantou green plum has rich fragrance, fresh and sweet taste. The typical pleasant aroma can be found in this whisky are smoked plum, joss stick, spice, wild sweet of tropical fruit and fruit fudge.



    Availability: In Stock
  • Kavalan Triple Sherry Cask Single Malt Whisky

    ( reviews)

    Kavalan Triple Sherry Cask Single Malt Whisky is a rare combination of three exquisite sherry-aged casks — Oloroso, Pedro Ximénez, and Moscatel — with the dried fruits of Oloroso as its main character. Rich caramel and the sweetness of maltose are layered with the distillery’s unique tropical fruits to create a delicate but distinct sherried whisky.

    Deep Scarlet
    Ripe, mature berries and dried fruits fill the nose, with fresh scents of grapes and citrus interlaced with chocolate brownie and toffee sweetness. Hints of cinnamon, clover and spiciness, blending into pleasant oakiness and fragrant rosemary.
    Lingering flavours of sherry dried fruits. Warm and smooth with a mellow texture. A lively flamenco dance of candied fruit, caramel, and honey sweetness on the taste buds. Multi-layered and perfectly balanced, it’s an unforgettable feast for the palate.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Omar Cask Strength Whisky (Bourbon Cask)

    ( reviews)

    Matured in American bourbon casks for more than 4 years. Selected by many qualified panelists then bottled in cask strength by hand. It is not only the representative whisky of Nantou Distillery, but also the model of ex-bourbon cask whisky in Taiwan. Without coloring and chill-filtration.

    由蘇格蘭進口之二稜(Two Row)種大麥芽,經南投酒廠發酵及蒸餾後,貯存於「首次填裝桶(First Fill)」美國波本桶熟陳四年以上,經團隊多位資深品酒師精心挑選出優異獨特的橡木桶,進行「單桶原酒 (Single Cask,Cask Strength)」裝瓶,保留其最原始風味特性。不僅是南投酒廠的代表作,亦為台灣波本桶威士忌之典範,每瓶均標示所屬的桶號、裝瓶號以及酒精度。


    Availability: In Stock
  • Omar Cask Strength Peated Malt Whisky

    ( reviews)

    It is the First Taiwanese whisky made of Scottish peated malt. Matured in American ex-bourbon cask. Feature of this whiskies are elegant smoky in smelling and strong in mouth, fruity and long finishing. It has unique Taiwanese style peaty aroma, ash, melon, almond, bacon, dried longan, dried plum, tobacco, smoky and baked sweet potato at the finishing.

    將威士忌品牌命名為OMAR,即蘇格蘭蓋爾語「琥珀」之意,期許南投酒廠所生產的單一麥芽威士忌,就像琥珀般的深沉、高貴、純淨。台灣首支以泥煤煙燻麥芽生產之單一麥芽威士忌,泥煤濃度35 ppm以上,以煙燻調性為主、酒體風格強勁,採用非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filted),不添加焦糖色素調色,保留威士忌最道地而原始的風味。

    「OMAR原桶強度泥煤麥芽威士忌-波本桶」為台灣第一個開始以泥煤麥芽發酵蒸餾的威士忌,氣味上的表現,明顯比其它泥煤過桶陳釀的威士忌還要強烈、個性鮮明;比之泥煤舊桶所賦予的煙燻味與微弱的泥煤味,OMAR泥煤麥芽更加突顯泥煤的迷人風韻,亦呼應南投酒廠使用泥煤麥芽,對威士忌風味創造極具張力的影響。濃厚的台灣風土特色 – 焙烤龍眼乾與烤地瓜的煙燻味,伴隨著烏梅蜜餞、龍眼花蜜的香甜,包裝設計延襲原桶強度風格,與波本桶和雪莉桶單桶原酒同屬系列產品,每一瓶皆有其專屬桶號與瓶號。

    Availability: In Stock
  • Omar Single Malt Bourbon Cask

    ( reviews)

    A Taiwanese single malt whisky matured in American ex-bourbon cask with few drops of Spanish ex-sherry cask whisky give the complex body and finishing. First comes with pure and refreshing white flower, gradually appearing attractive aroma of cane, vanilla, cream and honey. With the warmer climate of Taiwan that brings out the character of malty grain, cedar and angelica sinensis, creates a more subtle but balanced aroma. Taste vanilla, milk candy and mandarin characters for the finishing.

    台灣菸酒公司南投酒廠沿襲正統蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌製程所製作,經橡木桶陳熟五年以上優質酒品,經調酒師巧手調和,以小型蒸餾器蒸餾出豐富酒質,採非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filted),以保留最佳香氣與口感品質,無添加焦糖色素,酒體自然呈現成熟金黃琥珀色,經批次調和,每批調和風味稍有不同,推薦給威士忌愛好者收藏品評、比較。


    Availability: In Stock
  • OMAR Single Malt Sherry Cask

    ( reviews)

    The flavour is dominated by whiskies matured in ex-Sherry cask then few drops of ex-bourbon cask whisky increase the complexity of flavour performance. The first comes aroma is floral and hint of sulphur, then with ripen banana, saltine cracker, dry plum, jam, sandalwood and dark chocolate. And a long lasting finished taste of dried fruit.

    運用正統蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌製程所製作,南投酒廠將經過橡木桶陳熟四年以上優質酒品,以非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filtered)最佳香氣與口感品質,無添加焦糖色素由調酒師巧手調和,展現出綿密龍眼蜜香氣並且融合著芒果、芭蕉、葡萄、梅子蜜餞等水果香氣及柑橘果皮清新香氣。


    Availability: In Stock
  • Omar Cask Strength Whisky (Sherry Cask)

    ( reviews)

    Matured in the top quality Spanish ex-sherry cask (only few casks were approved by many qualified panelists) at least four years. The great aroma can be found in this whisky are Orangeade, toffee, smoked plum, brown sugar cake, raisin and cedar.

    同樣為「單桶原酒」(Single Cask,Cask Strength),由蘇格蘭進口之二稜(TwoRow)種大麥芽,經南投酒廠發酵及蒸餾後,貯存西班牙雪莉桶中熟成四年以上,最後由多位資深釀酒師傅,挑選品質優異桶號的橡木桶進行裝瓶,每瓶均標示所屬桶號、裝瓶號以及酒精度,是南投酒廠獻給台灣威士忌迷的嚴選之作。


    Availability: In Stock
  • Kavalan Distillery Select No.2 Single Malt Whisky

    ( reviews)

    No. 2 edition is an enticingly smooth drop, deeply aromatic with an irresistible floral and herbal complexity that delivers the delicious tranquility of the forest.

    Golden dawn
    Begins powerfully with charming floral, grassy aromas and gentle vanilla blending with hints of delightfully woody and spicy notes in rich layers.
    Smooth, rounded mouthfeel, and with rich character, suitable for daily drinking with excellent palatability. A long and fragrant finish.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Kavalan Distillery Select No.1 Single Malt Whisky

    ( reviews)

    Expression No. 1 in the series is rich with the aromas of the tropical fruits unique to Kavalan, satisfyingly silky in mouthfeel, and with the distinctive sweetness of toffee and vanilla. A taste of fruit paradise.

    Midnight amber
    Delicate and silky. Full with the scent of ripened tropical fruits, fragrant floral notes and warm vanilla.
    Elegant, perfectly balanced, and easy to drink. Rich and complex layers of butterscotch, creamy toffee, and vanilla create a soft and thick multi-layered taste that is lingeringly long in the finish.

    Availability: In Stock
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