• Fusozuru Tokubetsu Junmai 720ml

    ( reviews)

    < Temperature : Cold / 60°C > Dry and smooth rice / malt flavor with a tangy acidic aftertaste. When warm, a rich flavor spreads across the palate with a slightly sharp aftertaste. This sake pairs well with any kind of food.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Whisky

    ( reviews)

    Small batches of different Speyside Single Malts expertly blended then married together

    Availability: Out of Stock
  • The Glenrothes 12 Years Old

    ( reviews)

    “The Glenrothes ‘House Style’ is showcased through our 12 year old. All of the flavours come from the balance of different sherry seasoned casks, giving a smooth and lasting sweetness.” Matured only in sherry seasoned oak casks and bottled at natural colour with a character of vanilla, melon, and cinnamon.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Yuchan Nu Er Hong 16YO

    ( reviews)

    3 公升玉泉窖藏 16 年精釀陳紹-女兒紅對酒禮盒

    Original wine that has been aged above 16 years in the urn and blends with black date extract to make the wine more rich in aroma and more mellow.

    埔里酒廠特製的『女兒紅』係以精選糯米及愛蘭泉水釀製而成,調入黑棗等健康食材入酒,香氣濃郁、酒質甘醇,酒品兼顧養生,是現代人宴客、小酌的最佳銘酒。精選酒窖中甕藏16 年精釀紹興酒。



    Availability: In Stock
  • Koikawa Junmai 1800ml

    ( reviews)

    < Temperature : Cold / 50°C > Affordable Junmai. One year aged sake. Light yellow color. Light, mellow, refreshing and well balanced umami and acidity Junmai.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Highland Park Valfather

    ( reviews)

    VALFATHER – the final whisky in a series of three special edition Viking Legend releases – is inspired by Odin, the mightiest of the Norse gods. The most peated whisky we have released to date, it is matured entirely in refill casks to give beautifully balanced layers of flavour and a character as complex as Odin himself.

    Odin is associated with wisdom and knowledge; with sorcery and poetry; with battle, frenzy and death. The old legends also tell us of the tame beasts who bring him both protection and support – Sleipnir the eight-legged flying horse; the tame wolves, Geri and Freki; and Huginn and Muninn, his loyal ravens – but is at the jaws of the savage wolf, Fenrir, that Odin finally meets his end at Ragnarök.

    Tasting Note:
    Bright gold

    Sweet apple | Fragrant pear | Crème brûlée | Toasted cedar wood | Smoked paprika | Aromatic peat smoke

    Availability: Out of Stock
  • Highland Park Valkyrie

    ( reviews)

    Plunging down from the dark heavens, the Valkyries would descend like avenging angels on horseback to comb the battlefields for the bravest of the fallen warriors, heroes fit to enter the great Norse god Odin’s hall, Valhalla. VALKYRIE celebrates our rich Nordic ancestry here on Orkney, where we were once part of a vast Viking kingdom, and its packaging was designed by internationally renowned designer and Viking Soul, Jim Lyngvild. Exquisitely balanced and delivering wave upon wave of warm aromatic smoke and richly ripened fruit, VALKYRIE is the first in a series of three special Viking Legend releases and has just been awarded the Chairman’s Trophy in the 2017 Ultimate Spirits Challenge, scoring 99 out of 100.

    Tasting Note:
    Fiery amber Average colour tint 9.6

    Green apples | Sun-ripened lemons | Oriental spices | Vanilla | Preserved ginger | Dark chocolate | Salty liquorice | Warm aromatic smoke

    Availability: Out of Stock
  • José Cuervo Especial Silver

    ( reviews)


    Light agave notes

    Tones of agave, caramel, and fresh herbs, crisp and smooth

    Availability: In Stock
  • Highland Park 17YO The Light Limited Edition

    ( reviews)

    Tasting Note:
    Light golden (average colour tint 7.0)

    Caramelised pear | Nutmeg | Vanilla | Peat | Cedar wood | Oak | Light smoke

    Availability: In Stock
  • José Cuervo Reserva de la Familia

    ( reviews)

    An ultra-aged (extra añejo) 100% agave tequila. Made with agave from the crop of a single filed, Reserva de la Familia is an expert blend of aged tequilas from French and American oak barrels. It is aged for an average of three years and subject to cold filtration at 0°C.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Omar Cask Strength Whisky (Bourbon Cask)

    ( reviews)

    Matured in American bourbon casks for more than 4 years. Selected by many qualified panelists then bottled in cask strength by hand. It is not only the representative whisky of Nantou Distillery, but also the model of ex-bourbon cask whisky in Taiwan. Without coloring and chill-filtration.

    由蘇格蘭進口之二稜(Two Row)種大麥芽,經南投酒廠發酵及蒸餾後,貯存於「首次填裝桶(First Fill)」美國波本桶熟陳四年以上,經團隊多位資深品酒師精心挑選出優異獨特的橡木桶,進行「單桶原酒 (Single Cask,Cask Strength)」裝瓶,保留其最原始風味特性。不僅是南投酒廠的代表作,亦為台灣波本桶威士忌之典範,每瓶均標示所屬的桶號、裝瓶號以及酒精度。


    Availability: In Stock
  • Omar Cask Strength Peated Malt Whisky

    ( reviews)

    It is the First Taiwanese whisky made of Scottish peated malt. Matured in American ex-bourbon cask. Feature of this whiskies are elegant smoky in smelling and strong in mouth, fruity and long finishing. It has unique Taiwanese style peaty aroma, ash, melon, almond, bacon, dried longan, dried plum, tobacco, smoky and baked sweet potato at the finishing.

    將威士忌品牌命名為OMAR,即蘇格蘭蓋爾語「琥珀」之意,期許南投酒廠所生產的單一麥芽威士忌,就像琥珀般的深沉、高貴、純淨。台灣首支以泥煤煙燻麥芽生產之單一麥芽威士忌,泥煤濃度35 ppm以上,以煙燻調性為主、酒體風格強勁,採用非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filted),不添加焦糖色素調色,保留威士忌最道地而原始的風味。

    「OMAR原桶強度泥煤麥芽威士忌-波本桶」為台灣第一個開始以泥煤麥芽發酵蒸餾的威士忌,氣味上的表現,明顯比其它泥煤過桶陳釀的威士忌還要強烈、個性鮮明;比之泥煤舊桶所賦予的煙燻味與微弱的泥煤味,OMAR泥煤麥芽更加突顯泥煤的迷人風韻,亦呼應南投酒廠使用泥煤麥芽,對威士忌風味創造極具張力的影響。濃厚的台灣風土特色 – 焙烤龍眼乾與烤地瓜的煙燻味,伴隨著烏梅蜜餞、龍眼花蜜的香甜,包裝設計延襲原桶強度風格,與波本桶和雪莉桶單桶原酒同屬系列產品,每一瓶皆有其專屬桶號與瓶號。

    Availability: In Stock
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