• Omar Single Malt Bourbon Cask

    ( reviews)

    A Taiwanese single malt whisky matured in American ex-bourbon cask with few drops of Spanish ex-sherry cask whisky give the complex body and finishing. First comes with pure and refreshing white flower, gradually appearing attractive aroma of cane, vanilla, cream and honey. With the warmer climate of Taiwan that brings out the character of malty grain, cedar and angelica sinensis, creates a more subtle but balanced aroma. Taste vanilla, milk candy and mandarin characters for the finishing.

    台灣菸酒公司南投酒廠沿襲正統蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌製程所製作,經橡木桶陳熟五年以上優質酒品,經調酒師巧手調和,以小型蒸餾器蒸餾出豐富酒質,採非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filted),以保留最佳香氣與口感品質,無添加焦糖色素,酒體自然呈現成熟金黃琥珀色,經批次調和,每批調和風味稍有不同,推薦給威士忌愛好者收藏品評、比較。


    Availability: In Stock
  • OMAR Single Malt Sherry Cask

    ( reviews)

    The flavour is dominated by whiskies matured in ex-Sherry cask then few drops of ex-bourbon cask whisky increase the complexity of flavour performance. The first comes aroma is floral and hint of sulphur, then with ripen banana, saltine cracker, dry plum, jam, sandalwood and dark chocolate. And a long lasting finished taste of dried fruit.

    運用正統蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌製程所製作,南投酒廠將經過橡木桶陳熟四年以上優質酒品,以非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filtered)最佳香氣與口感品質,無添加焦糖色素由調酒師巧手調和,展現出綿密龍眼蜜香氣並且融合著芒果、芭蕉、葡萄、梅子蜜餞等水果香氣及柑橘果皮清新香氣。


    Availability: In Stock
  • Niulanshan Chen Niang Baijiu

    ( reviews)


    The Niulanshan distillery was well placed and famed for it sublime well water. Niulanshan Chen Niang Baijiu has strong fruit aroma with a herb finish.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Maker’s Mark

    ( reviews)

    Just over 50 years ago, Kentucky distiller Bill Samuels Sr ., made history by burning an old family whisky recipe that dated back to 1780 . He replaced the traditional bourbon flavouring grain of rye with red winter wheat, which produces the sweeter, gentler taste that’s become the hallmark of the brand . Maker’s Mark creates only one product at the historic distillery in Loretto, Kentucky . The signature hand-dipped red wax and SIV mark are symbols of its authenticity .

    Availability: Out of Stock
  • Omar Cask Strength Whisky (Sherry Cask)

    ( reviews)

    Matured in the top quality Spanish ex-sherry cask (only few casks were approved by many qualified panelists) at least four years. The great aroma can be found in this whisky are Orangeade, toffee, smoked plum, brown sugar cake, raisin and cedar.

    同樣為「單桶原酒」(Single Cask,Cask Strength),由蘇格蘭進口之二稜(TwoRow)種大麥芽,經南投酒廠發酵及蒸餾後,貯存西班牙雪莉桶中熟成四年以上,最後由多位資深釀酒師傅,挑選品質優異桶號的橡木桶進行裝瓶,每瓶均標示所屬桶號、裝瓶號以及酒精度,是南投酒廠獻給台灣威士忌迷的嚴選之作。


    Availability: In Stock
  • Gran Centenario Añejo

    ( reviews)

    Handcrafted in small batches at Hacienda Los Camichines since 1895. 100% blue agave, our tequila is crafted using the “selección suave®” process. This unique and proprietary process consists in blending different tequila batches, aged in American oak casks, to achieve a smooth yet complex profile that characterizes our product.

    Availability: Out of Stock
  • Three Star Bai Nian Niulanshan

    ( reviews)

    The main ingredient of this Three Star Baijiu Niulanshan is Sorghum. It has a light aroma of baijiu but strong in taste of Sorghum.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Jing Pin Er Guo Tou

    ( reviews)


    This is an easy drink on the palette with light aroma of baijiu and a hint of apricot in the finish.

    Availability: Out of Stock
  • Stoli Premium Vodka

    ( reviews)

    Stoli Vodka is a classically styled, exceptionally smooth vodka. Crystal clear in colour with marshmallow, mineral and mild fruit peel aromas, a soft, supple entry leads to a smooth, medium bodied palate with pastry frosting, talc and citrus rind flavours. It finishes with a clean, lightly sweet, sugar dust, wet straw and balanced pepper fade.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Flor de Caña Gran Reserva 7 Years Old

    ( reviews)

    A sugar-free 7-year old super premium rum that is sustainably produced and Fair Trade certified. From a 5th generation family estate, it is naturally aged without artificial ingredients, distilled 100% with renewable energy and KOSHER certified. A full-bodied rum with a long and smooth finish that lingers in the palate. Best enjoyed in a Mojito or with sparkling water or ginger ale.

    Availability: In Stock
  • One Star Bai Nian Niulanshan

    ( reviews)

    Clear, potent spirit and takes six months to produce. It is one of the most commonly drunk baijiu in Beijing and thus has a deep association with China’s capital.

    Availability: In Stock
  • Flor de Caña Centenario 18 Years Old

    ( reviews)

    A sugar-free 18-year old, ultra premium rum that is sustainably produced and Fair Trade certified. From a 5th generation family estate, it is naturally aged without artificial ingredients, distilled 100% with renewable energy and KOSHER certified. A full-bodied rum with a long and smooth finish that lingers in the palate. Best enjoyed neat or on a rock, with a peel of orange.

    Availability: In Stock
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